Today was also our jacket dedication ceremony.
We didn't actually get to keep the jackets, but we did go around and dedicate our year of service/jackets. We were only given 30-60 seconds, so naturally I could have said more. Because this is my blog I can write as much as I want haha, so
I dedicate this year of service to...
My mom, Jay Sheppard, who has been my biggest advocate and does whatever is in her power to ensure that my sisters and I are able to live our lives to the fullest. Through encouraging me, getting to the BISD building at 5am to ensure I go to the school I want, sending me candy grams from "my secret admirer" in the 5th grade to make me feel loved on Valentines Day, drilling spelling words into my head, or packing my car for my drive to Cali filling it with little encouraging post its. My mom is the best ever. And she has instilled in me from the beginning the importance of selfless love and dedicating your life to helping others instead of just worrying about yourself. I would hope that I could encourage and give selfless love to the people I serve this year 1/4 as much as my mom has done for me!
My dad, Charles Sheppard, who is also the best ever! He has a sense of pride in me that I can feel when I've done something good, whether it's graduate from UT, make a basket after several failed attempts, or order a Shirley Temple to drink. My dad has been my biggest cheerleader and the one person I can always go to when I don't want to talk to anyone else. He always knows what I need and is always able to offer me solid advice! I hope that I can be a cheerleader and a source of support for the kids I serve just like he has been for me.
My sister, Andie, who just started her freshman year at Texas State! Many of the kids we serve will go on to high schools where going to college is not the norm like it was in our high school. In fact in many of those high schools, finishing high school isn't even the norm. Becoming an Andie is the goal I have for the students I serve this year. I hope that they too can try their best, believe in themselves, and not give a second thought to anyone who doesn't appreciate their differences. I hope that like Andie these kids will go on to college and experience the adventure and independence she'll experience this year.
My sister, Maddie, who just started 8th grade! Because I'll be working in either a 7th or 8th grade classroom this year, I will be serving kids Maddie's same age. Though they will be the same age, Maddie lives a less complicated life than many of the students at Rosa Parks K-8. It's my hope that despite their adversities, they will learn to apply themselves and work hard to achieve their goals like my Maddie has. I hope that I can help give them the support she has, that they may be lacking and that I'll see peices of her as I get to know them.
My friend, Jess Espinoza, who despite her disability refuses to accept any form of defeat. Her faith in Christ is immeasurable and time and time again she has proved to me that He will NEVER give up on us. I hope to inspire the kids I serve this year half as much as Jess has inspired me in the short 2 years I've known her. I hope they too can look past the bumps in the road with determination and joy in the way she has done.
All my friends in Austin and in Beaumont and all my family, who have made me who I am. If I had met different people in school, at church, or in college I wouldn't be who I am today. It takes a village and there is no greater village than mine. I hope and pray that this year I am able to be a part of the village that gives love, support, and laughs like y'all have been for me!
the kids we won't reach this year, whether at our schools or at schools that don't have City Year. I dedicate my year to the belief that there is more good in this word than evil and the hope that anyone who is looking for the good can find it.