Today has been a long, not horrible, just long. I woke up at 4:45 this morning to make the cycling class at 5:30 at my gym. I also dealt with my second day in a row of having a sub. Working with subs is not the easiest thing. Because I'm there everyday, I can run the class, but having the sub there it usually doesn't work out perfectly. Mrs. Barber, the ELA teacher I work with, is AMAZING and together we are a dream team. She gives all the instruction and enforces everything, while I reinforce everything and am able to provide one on one attention to students. Today and yesterday I felt like I was having to do both our jobs, and because of how overwhelming it was, I felt like I wasn't do either job very well. In first period a boy offered me a high five, to which I was excited about until I realized that apparently we were high fiving my bad hair day. "No offense Ms. Sammie, but you look kinda like you just woke up." Thanks, actually I have already been up for about three hours and it's sorta been a bad hair month, thanks for noticing. Kids can be ruthless. The second graders in my roommates class have been pointing out all of his pimples (which are very few). My day didn't end with the crazy sub either, I still had after school, which wasn't bad today. However, as usual I dealt with kids being too chatty, lying about their homework, not understanding geometry (when I don't understand it myself), and the everyday back talk that never seems to fade away in our class. My day didn't end after that either. Today was family math night. We actually had a pretty good turn out. I spent most of my night wrapping hotdogs to be passed out to the families during the event, and while that wasn't super exciting, it's awesome to know that we had so many families there tonight that I needed to be helping to wrap sooo many hot dogs.
Theses days are long, and it makes me lonesome for my Texas friends, who provide me with endless support. Luckily though I'm 33 hours away, these friends are still able to support me through phone calls, texts, facebook, and reading my blog - like you are now, thanks!
This job definitely has it's ups and downs, but ultimately I know that it is good and that kids are getting a lot out of us being at their school. My friend recently made a prayer blog and I found this image in it today.
In light of it being the feast day for Blessed Pope Benedict XIV and a rough beginning to my week:
Lately I've been getting so caught up on how I miss the comforts of being home...of being in college... of having endless support system... that I've forgotten the very reasons I came to Sacramento. I came here to be uncomfortable. I came here to get out of my comfort zone and start doing things to better our nation and our schools. I came here to be a beacon of light to people that needed help, and I came so that others might begin to understand that they too were made for greatness.
Be Great.
ReplyDeleteGot caught up on your blog and really enjoyed it. The way you write makes me feel as if I experienced the day right along with you......of course, I know you would argue that I couldn't possibly be as tired as you. Don't you miss me telling you, "Sammie, you could argue with a tree".
Love, Mom