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Saturday, November 2, 2013


Tonight I was able to see the opening night production of "Soldadernas", a beautiful play that captures stories of women doing the Mexican Revolution.It it a wonderful job, capturing a sense of authenticity that I feel is hard to come by. In the Q & A section after the play, one of the actresses spoke of the play as unraveling some of the stories that were never told.  It was a great play and I was in the audience with the niece of Cezar Chavez, which was really neat. I am so thankful to the women and people that have went before me, paving the road to a better future. We are not done yet, but it is because of the strong people that have gone before us that we are able to continue to do our best to #makebetterhappen.

I also have a huge urge to listen to Mexican music in the car now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That same night Dad grilled chicken and pork Fajita's - we must have ESP :)

    Love, Mom
