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Monday, March 31, 2014


Today my downstairs neighbor very kindly brought me finger lickin', fall of the bone, hot off the grill, SUPER tasty BBQ! It was wonderful and made my whole day.

That is all.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

When three Texans get together in San Fran!

Great weekend! Full of Giant fun! Started off my my weekend right by taking a half day Friday and heading to San Jose!

I took the train with Stephani and my new friend Sarah to the Giant's stadium, where we watched the Giants play the A's! Being at the game was fun, but mostly everyone around us was very entertaining. Between the conversations we heard of the train and then at the game, we didn't even really need to talk, just listen. haha

Then Saturday we ventured into "The City"! And even though it was raining and my phone wasn't working, I did not let that keep me from having a great day. We went to the ferryboat market and had a delicious breakfast, many samples, and yummy, strong coffee. Then we headed to the painted ladies. And last, but certainly not least, WE WALKED ACROSS THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE. Okay, so we only walked like 1/4 of the way across the bridge (because of the rain) BUT IT WAS FABULOUS! I love that bridge.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Help! I'm locked in my own apartment!

Today is the day my roommates and I got locked in our apartment. Yep. You heard it right. We go locked IN our apartment. Ya see, the thing is, our door has been giving us some trouble lately, and I think today was the day the straw broke the door's back.

We kept trying to open it, and it just wouldn't budge. Luckily, we don't have to climb through the window to get to work tomorrow because our landlord came to our rescue.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Run or Dye!

Here's a really grainy picture from Run or Dye this weekend. It was so much fun! Will update more later.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

San Fran with my Best Fran

Between getting to see Stephanie over the weekend and Jeanan the past couple of days, I really cashed in on UT's spring break! Best two days I've taken off, hands down. I had so much fun with Jeanan these past few days, and am so glad she got to come to Cali and we got to have adventures! And we even got to see Jamie, which was fabulous! I love life!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lake Tahoe; Skiing with the Smallings!

Lake Tahoe is so BEAUTIFUL! I don't know why it took me so long to get up here! Only an hour and a half from my house!

So much fun getting so see my sweet friend Stephanie and her family! 
 Then when I tried to leave this morning, this is what happened lol
It all melted by noon :)
Such a fabulous time! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

CY blog link!

I love working with both Mrs. Barber and Mrs. Harding! They have enhanced my City Year experience and taught me so much!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Great day!

Today was my sweet sister Andie's birthday! I'm so proud of her and all she's accomplished this year! She's growing into a beautiful, faithful, confident young lady!

Then tonight I got to skype with my favorite parents! ...And it's friday! Great day!

and Scooby too!